Saturday, February 5, 2011

Base Cabinets Are Annoying

Dad and I started the day with base cabinets.  Mom had warned me that they were more annoying than the wall units.  Boy, was she right!!

First, we cut a hole in the back of the sink base unit for the plumbing.  Then, we set to work creating a shelf in the corner.  I didn't buy a base corner unit - they were too large.  So, if we install as is, there will be a 2' x 2' waste of space under the counter.  We decided to cut an opening in the sink base to have access to that area.  While Dad cut, I worked on making the shelf.

Funny thing while I was doing the shelf:  I was screwing cleats into the wall for the shelf to rest on.  One screw wasn't going.  I pressed harder and harder.  Smoke started coming from the board and I could smell wood burning.  The screw finally went in and into the 2x bottom plate.  Afterward, I discovered that the drill had been in reverse!  I just muscled that screw in, hence, the smoke.

We the prep work finished and broke for lunch.  Mom had been continuing to fill in tile gaps with the peel-and-stick tile.  After eating, she bought more and finished the job just before dinner.  Dad and I went to work installing the cabinets.

What a pain!  The floor, of course, is not level, and it wreaked all sorts of havoc getting the L-shape in place. Thanks goodness we had Brother's laser level.  It made it easier, but not easy enough.  We needed all sorts of shims, so I lifted the cabinets over and over.  It seemed that once we got it level and attached to the wall, it was out of level again and we had to start over.  After the third attachment to the wall, it was finally right.

Once we got that corner connection, the rest was relatively easy and went much faster.  So glad to have it done.  I definitely prefer installing wall cabinets.

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